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We offer a range of services to help you get the landscaping supplies you need, the way you need them!

Get loaded in the yard

In order to get your landscaping supplies, you can come into the yard with a trailer, ute, or truck, to get loaded by our friendly staff ith a 906 H2 Cat Loader. This small loader is versatile machine with a quick hitch mechanism. What this means for you, is that we can swap between a .5m3 bucket, a 1m3 bucket, or a set of forks, quickly and with ease. So whether you need a trailer load (.5m3), a truckload, or you need us to load up bags or pallets, we can do it all with little fuss. Oh, and just in case you are worried about driving with a trailer on, or turning around with your large truck, we have a back gate to exit from for which there be no need to reverse, U -turn, or 50 point turn! Just pull up at the office to make your payment, and you'll be able to get going in no time!

The Rural Garden Supplies loader - pictured here with 1 cubic metre bucket.

Small Truck Delivery - up to 3 cubic metres. 


Medium Truck Delivery - up to 7-10 cubic metres. 

Have it delivered

If you don't have access to a trailer or ute, or simply want to make life easier on yourself, we offer an efficient and timely delivery service for your landscaping supplies. Our smallest delivery amount is 2m3, but we can deliver up to 10m3 at a time in our larger trucks too! You can view the delivery fees for our various trucks and suburbs here

We have small truck deliveries starting from as little as $40 for Humpty Doo locals!

Please note, if you are getting a delivery in the larger trucks, we will need to determine accessibility. The large trucks are not as nimble as our little guy, and cannot reach all places! So please be mindful of this if you are placing a larger order! 

Large Truck Delivery - up to 10 cubic metres or 14 ton. 

Body & Dog Delivery - up to 36 tonne. Quote available upon request

Bulk Bags are easy to transport with your preferred Darwin freight company!

We can do a range of different landscaping material in the bulk bags - sand, soil, rocks etc. The most popular is for concrete pre-mix or sand! 

Have it bulk bagged

Remote jobs can mean tricky types of transport, and its here that bulk bags can ease some of those costs! We offer a bulk bagging service for any material we stock in the yard, just request a price from our office for the specific material you are after. You can get as few or as many as you like, and arrange a pick up through your preferred freight company, or we can quote for a delivery to the barge or designated area. 

If there are weight restrictions applied to your transport method (e.g. helicopter), it's important you let us know ahead of time. We don't have scales available at the yard, and can only fill to an approximate amount. Therefore if you need it accurately spec'd, we might not be able to assist. Please always contact us ahead of time for your order, and we will do our best to meet your needs! 

We can do as many or as few bulk bags as you need for your Darwin landscaping supplies!

Get a Gift Voucher

Rural Garden Supplies Gift Vouchers are perfect presents for any of your treasured family or friends who have purchased their own home. Landscaping a new backyard, or even maintaining an old one, can be a difficult and expensive task. Help the out with a gift voucher, a present you know that they are going to use!

Gift vouchers are valid for 2 years from the date of purchase, and can be used for any material we stock in the yard.

We can even arrange to have them posted to the giftee, so that it takes all the hassle out of purchasing a gift.

Order one today! In store, or over the phone.

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